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19.10.2020 Торговля

Gainrus released Pilsner Premium malt

On October 12, 2020, Grainrus introduced a new product of Kursk Malt brand - Pilsner Premium pale base malt.

A special feature of Pilsner Premium malt is its higher extractivity up to 83% and enzymatic activity, which not only enhances the taste and improves the color of the drink, but also contributes to a significant reduction in the cost of beer production.

The Pilsner malt of Premium category with 3,7 EBC color has increased content of extractive substances, is characterized by high enzymatic activity and high degree of fermentation due to which, when cooking wort, it is possible to obtain the maximum extraction yield as well as rich taste and aroma. Low level of beta-glucans will allow to avoid difficulties during the filtration of the wort and finished beer.

Pilsner Premium malt is made from carefully selected homogeneous batches of barley of the same variety, the grain of which is notable for size and gives optimal results when malting. In its production, special technological recipes are used to maximize the quality characteristics of raw materials.

The use of Pilsner Premium malt in brewing makes it easy to achieve a rich taste and color, while the drink has a good consistency and excellent head retention, acquires a sweet malt aroma with light honey notes. The malt bill can reach 100%.

The Pilsner Premium of Kursk malt brand is ideal as a base for the production of up to 30 varieties of pale beer and 50 varieties of semi-dark and dark beer, and may also be used in the production of spirits and distillates.

The Malt is presented in branded bags of 25 kilograms and is available for wholesale starting with 300 kilograms or retail of 1 bag in the company's online store www.malt.ru .

About the manufacturer:

Grainrus-Kursk Malt House produces 20 varieties of malt with a color range from 20 to 1400 units, including barley malts, buckwheat, wheat and oat malts. The volume of pale malt production is up to 125,000 tons per year, the roasting shop capacity is up to 6,500 thousand tons. Malts have been delivered to 18 countries on 4 continents since the opening of the malt house. The quality of products is confirmed by international product quality marks - ISO, EAC, LGC, VLB Berlin, as well as medals and certificates of national competitions for manufacturers "All-Russia Brand. Quality Mark of the XXI Century".

Address: 4, bldg. 1, Uchebnyy lane, Moscow, 119048
Phones: 8-800-600-49-43, 8-495-789-89-41
E-mail: info@grainrus.com
Website: www.grainrus.com https://malt.ru/

Gainrus released Pilsner Premium malt